
Welcome To Vintage Chrtistain Intercessory Ministries

We’re glad you’ve decided to learn about our fellowship, and we invite you to take a minute to browse our website.We wish to challenge every believer to develop a personal devotional life involving regular prayer, bible reading, worshipping the Lord Jesus Christ, meditation, fasting and other spiritual rituals.

About Us

VINTAGE CHRISTIAN INTERCESSORY MINISTRIES are an apostolic faith community that is conservative in doctrine and contemporary in presentation. Nondenominational, multi-racial, politically neutral and independent, the church is financed by voluntary donations from its members. We believe that giving is an expression of our love for God and gratitude for His kindness and benevolence. Ours is a deeply personal form of worship and praise. The Vintage Christian INTERCESSORY MINISTRIES strive to make individuals feel at home by creating a warm and welcoming place for all to worship.

Many of the visitors to our website are searching for answers to some of life’s most challenging questions. We pray that this search will lead to the knowledge of the incredible and unconditional love of God. Forgiveness for sin is available to all because God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to suffer the wrath of a Holy God against sin, in order that we might be forgiven.

What We Do ?

When you visit, you’ll encounter a strong tradition of Christian fellowship where brothers and sisters love and serve one another. Our doctrine is Bible-based, and our purpose is to teach the Gospel to all people in preparation for Christ’s coming.
We stand firmly on the authority of the Word of God and depend upon the work of the Holy Spirit as we follow Jesus and “share not only the gospel of God, but our lives as well,” as we seek to do our part to fulfill the Great Commission to make disciples.